Philip 2., knowed as Philip Augustus, was the first serial-street-builder. He decided to enclose the city of Paris with walls on the sides (enclosure of Philippe-Auguste) and on the ground with the first paving of the streets of Paris from 1181.
The climax of Le Pavé (cooblestone) in Paris is reached in 1968 with 800 hectares of paved streets. From 1968 on, with the riots of Mai 68, strangely, the public authorities decided to privilege massively the coating of bitumen which launches less easily on the forces of order in case of barricades.
“Mon Pavé Parisien” is a real cooblestone of Paris, bought directly from the city of Paris Council, which recycles 8,000 tons of granite every year. “Mon Pavé Parisien” is part of a sustainable development approach and it arrives on your shelf at the end of its cycle in the circular economy.